How I make an order?
You can make your order directly on website www.paolimadeinitaly.com
How many products may I have purchase on paolimadeinitaly.com?
You can purchase a product according to the availability of it. For orders over 5 pieces please contact customer service directly.
How do I personalise my item?
To personalise a product send a mail to customercare@paolimadeinitaly.com.
How do I know my size?
Please visit our size guide available on website.
How can I contact customer care?
For unsatisfied request through the FAQ, the customer can contact customer service to customercare@paolimadeinitaly.com.
Which payment methods do you accept?
You can pay with credit card, bank tranfer and Paypal.
Are credit card details protected?
paolimadeinitaly.com does not treat credit card data in any way. The data is sent directly to the bank in authorized circuits.
What are the shipping fees?
Shipping are free in Italy. For Europe and Worldwide shipping costs are available during the payment process.
Where does paolimadeinitaly.com ship?
The shipments are made in Europe and Worldwide
What is your return policy?
For online purchase Paoli will refund price of merchandise returned in its original condition. The product can only be returned if not worn, not damaged, not used, accompanied by the original invoice, original Paoli packaging and return form fill it in each part. Paoli reserves the right to refuse return of any merchandise that does not meet the above return requirements at Paoli's sole discretion.
How many days do I have to return a product?
Merchandise must be returned within 14 days of the date of delivery.
How do I return an item?
In the "EXCHANGE & RETURN POLICIES" you have to download the return form, fill it in every part and sent it together with the object to be returned.
How do I get the refund?
Paoli will make the refund as quickly as possible and not later than 30 days. Paoli will send an email once the refund has been made. Refunds may only be issue in the same form as was utilized for payment.
Can I return a personalised item?
Cancellation, exchanges or returns are NOT accepted for order of customised products.
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